As per previous email notification, the AGM has been postponed until Sunday 2nd June, 2024.
There will be just one AGM which will be reporting to members on Finances, Strategic planning, and other governing issues of the club.
Pam will be distributing associated paperwork in the next two weeks.
We will also be sending details of how the AGM will work, how it relates to Bowls and how Bowls members will have opportunities to vote for the Bowls committee etc.
I thank the many members who I and members of the board have held discussions with over the past couple of months to gain input and suggestions for how we continue to build upon the success of our first 8 months.
A reminder as we write in each Board update, any member who wishes to share ideas or experiences with us are always welcome.
If you want an update on our financial situation please click this link –
It is great to have Denton as our Bar/Venue Manager. A friendly and welcoming manager who has extensive experience in venue and bar management.
Thanks to those members who are volunteering . Carol is ordering great shirts with the Seadragon logo on them for those working at the Bar.
It was great to host the Master Builders on Wednesday 17th April. It was a tremendous day and thanks to the events committee, Kerryn and her team, catering, Haydn and all those who contributed to a very successful day.
Carpet Bowls
Thanks to Margaret Radford and her team, this commences last week of April.
Please contact Marg if you wish to participate.
Rovers Football club
We welcome the Rovers to our club over winter as their club rooms are under construction. They are here on Thursday evenings for selection and a BBQ.
Pam and Mel have been working on the first edition of our club newsletter for a number of months. It is almost due to be launched. Keep a look out in your email and on the website. A big thank you to Pam, Mel and all those members who have contributed.
Wonderful to see Mahjong members increasing and we thank them for the donation of a clock for the new lounge area.
Sea Dragon Mosaic
Roy Bird has kindly and expertly made especially for the club a mosaic of a Sea Dragon. This is greatly appreciated and will find a place to be displayed for all members over the next few weeks.
Glenn, Alastair and Roxy have already become part of our community and it is great to have the club and all their members join us here at Hampton Bayside. It is also worth noting that many of their members have become socialmembers of our club already.
As always, we thank the many volunteers who work on our gardens and grounds, catering, cleaning, bar and maintenance.
Whilst we are slowly building up funds which enable us to pay for some cleaning and our new Bar/Venue manager, we wouldn’t be able to run the club without our volunteers.
We are working toward the Bowls section being able (with the support of Mel) to publish their own Bowls updates on a regular basis from May 2024. If any Bowls member is interested in working with Mel to provide a monthly update/notices re all things bowls please contact her.
Winter Bowls, Tuesday Bowls and Saturday Bowls are all running along with Marg T’s Friday morning additional group of newer to bowls members. U3A is going great guns and we thank Rob Coulson and his volunteers for all their work.
Watch out for regular updates from next week re the AGM, Nominations, Bowls section and other related matters as we head toward the AGM
Renewal in clubs and fresh ideas are always important so start thinking about whether you would like to be part of the Board or Bowls committee.
Kathy Walker ( OAM), oN behalf of the Board